
Built with custom VanillaJS Web Components and written entirely on Javascript, this website is a showcase of my recent projects as a Full-Stack Web Developer.

About this project

The idea behind this project was to create a showcase of everything I've worked on in the past few years. I tried to keep the UI as simple as possible coupled with the web technologies that I believe make most sense for a non reactive website in todays (2014) web development stack.

I've used nodejs with expressjs on the server, rendering the views with handlebars (server and client side). The website content database is crafted with mongodb and I've used redis to persist the session across the socket.io powered web sockets.

Technical Sheet

Code technologies and skills I got involved with while working on this project.

  • UI/UX Design
  • UI/UX Architechture
  • UI/UX Animations
  • Web Components
  • Responsive Website Design
  • HTML5 – semantic, audio, video, canvas
  • CSS3 – preprocessed with SASS + COMPASS
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB and Redis
  • Socket.io
  • Handlebars
  • Express.js
  • Require.js



Let's talk

Wanna get in touch or talk about a project?
Feel free to contact me via email at rafael@caferati.me
or drop a line in the form at the contact page



Thanks for your interest in my award-winning portfolio website (FWA, CSSDA).

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