Perverte Web Agency Portfolio
Website filled up with cool UI/UX animations developed as Lead Front-End Developer at Perverte.
Technical Sheet
In this project I acted as part of a small group of misfits hell-bent on making cool stuff.
At the time I was still using BackboneJS for the client side routing, although the views were renderd directly in the Microsoft C# MVC's back-end. The client side javascript was entirely modularized with RequireJS, which is awesome for code maintainance and scalability. That was probably the biggest challange of the project as it has a huge number of different templates, to make everything run smoothly and cohesively was a huge win.
Code technologies I got involved while working on this project- Front-End Development
- Javascript
- HTML5 – semantic, audio, video, canvas
- CSS3 preprocessed with SASS + COMPASS
- Snap.svg
- Require.js
- Backbone.js
- TweenMax.js