ReactAwesome Slider

<AwesomeSlider/>~7KB compressed

React Awesome Slider is a 60fps, extendable, highly customisable, production ready javascript react component that renders an animated set of UI gallery sliders.

Captioned Images

Adult Swim — Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty Loader

I want to see what you got.

Basic Children Usage


import AwesomeSlider from 'react-awesome-slider'; import AwsSliderStyles from 'react-awesome-slider/src/styles.scss'; const slider = ( <AwesomeSlider cssModule={styles}> <div data-src="/path/to/image.jpg"> <p>I want to see what you got.</p> </div> <div data-src="/path/to/image.jpg"> <p>The answer is -- Don't think about it.</p> </div> <div data-src="/path/to/image.jpg"> <p>Sometimes science is more art than science.</p> </div> <div data-src="/path/to/image.jpg"> <p>Love, connection, experience.</p> </div> </AwesomeSlider> );

Captioned Component

For this specific example I'm using the Captioned component which is a basic styled wrapper hoc that applies a simple caption strategy. You can check out all the available components here.


import Captioned from 'react-awesome-slider/src/components/captioned'; import CaptionedStyles from 'react-awesome-slider/src/components/captioned/styles.scss'; const component = ( <Captioned startupScreen={StartupScreen} cssModule={CaptionedStyles} screens={[ { backgroundColor: '#4a9c8c', media: '/images/series/ricknmorty-3.png', caption: 'I want to see what you got.', }, { backgroundColor: '#4a9c8c', media: '/images/series/ricknmorty-3.png', caption: 'The answer is -- Don't think about it.', }, // ... ]} /> )


Basic customization through the component's props and CSS custom-properties.


Component's global props

    • true
    • true
    • false

CSS Custom Properties


    • 60%
    • 770ms


    • 4px
    • 0px
    • 40px
    • #6a6a6a


    • 10%
    • 25%
    • transparent
    • #6a6a6a
    • #6a6a6a

    Loader Bar

    • #851515
    • 6px